About us

Dilasa Ram Janaki Home Mission

To provide a safe, comfortable, and supportive home for seniors where they can live with dignity and respect, and age gracefully with access to quality care and social activities.
This mission statement is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It is also specific and measurable, as it can be tracked by the number of residents served, the quality of care provided, and the level of satisfaction among residents and their families. The mission statement is also aspirational, but realistic, as it sets a goal of providing quality care to seniors, but does not promise to cure any diseases or disabilities. Finally, the mission statement is relevant to the needs of the residents and their families, as it focuses on providing a safe and comfortable home, as well as access to quality care and social activities.

Here are some other elements that you may want to consider when writing your mission statement:

The values of your organization, such as compassion, respect, and dignity.

The needs of the seniors you will serve, such as their physical, emotional, and social needs.

The services you will offer, such as medical care, personal care, and social activities.

Our goals for the old age home, such as providing quality care, promoting independence, and fostering a sense of community.

Dilasa Ram Janaki Home Vision

To provide a homely and comfortable environment for the elderly, where they can feel safe and secure.

To offer a variety of activities and services that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

To create a sense of community and belonging, where the elderly can socialize and make friends.

To provide a high standard of care, with trained staff who are dedicated to providing the best possible care for the elderly.

To be a cost-effective option for the elderly and their families.

Provide a safe and secure environment that is free from abuse and neglect.

Ensure that the elderly have access to nutritious food, proper hygiene, and regular medical care.

Offer a variety of activities and programs that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Provide opportunities for the elderly to socialize and make friends.

Work with the families of the elderly to ensure that they are kept informed about their loved ones' care.

Be financially sustainable and able to provide quality care for the elderly in the long term.

The location of the home. It is safe and accessible area, close to amenities such as hospitals, shops, and public transportation.

The size of the home. It is be large enough to accommodate the number of elderly people who will be living there.

The facilities and amenities that will be offered. This include things like bedrooms, bathrooms, dining areas, common rooms, and activity spaces.

The staffing requirements. We have enough staff to provide 24/7 care to the elderly residents.

The funding sources. The home have a secure source of funding to cover its operating costs.
